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Fact Finding 28

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Fact Finding 28 stems from a petition (Petition P4-16 [PDF, 6.1 KB]) filed at the Commission by the Coalition for Fair Port Practices. In January 2018, the Commission held a two-day hearing that explored issues raised in the petition by soliciting testimony from shippers, ocean transportation intermediaries, ocean carriers, truckers, and marine terminal operators.

Following the hearing, the Commission initiated Fact Finding 28 and named Commissioner Rebecca Dye the Investigative Officer. Commissioner Dye examined detention, demurrage, and per diem practices generally, and evaluated five key issues:

  • Whether the alignment of commercial, contractual, and cargo interests enhance or aggravate the ability of cargo to move efficiently through U.S. ports
  • When has the carrier or MTO tendered cargo to the shipper and consignee
  • What are the billing practices for invoicing demurrage or detention
  • What are the practices with respect to delays caused by various outside or intervening events
  • What are the practices for resolution of demurrage and detention disputes between carriers and shippers

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