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Chairman Maffei Delivers Remarks at American Cotton Shippers Association Annual Convention in Scottsdale, Arizona

Federal Maritime Commission Chairman Daniel B. Maffei addressed members of the American Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA) attending the ACSA Convention 2024 where he emphasized how the Commission’s work benefits U.S. exporters. 

Chairman Maffei reported on the continued timely implementation of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA22), and highlighted progress on two rulemakings of particular interest to the ACSA.  The final rule on demurrage and detention billing practices came into full effect in May and publication of the final rule on unreasonable refusal to deal was imminent.   Chairman Maffei applauded the ACSA and its members for their integral support of OSRA22.

Rulemakings are not the only front where the Commission has been busy.  Chairman Maffei noted the Commission’s administrative law judges remain busy with more cases before them than at any other time in recent years.  Similarly, the Office of Consumer Affairs and Dispute Resolution Services continues to experience sustained volumes of requests for service.  Finally, private parties continue to take advantage of the charge complaint process resulting in approximately $2.5 million in voluntarily refunded or waived charges.

Chairman Maffei reported the Commission remains committed to detecting violations of law and enforcing against them, in fact, the Commission assessed more than $2 million in civil penalty payments this year.

 The ACSA Convention 2024 was held in Scottsdale June 13 – 15, 2024.

Chairman Daniel B. Maffei is a Commissioner with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission. The thoughts and comments expressed here are his own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Commission.