Speeches Archive - Federal Maritime Commission
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Archive for the ‘Speeches’ Category

Remarks by FMC Commissioner Rebecca Dye American Cotton Shippers Association – Laguna Beach, California


Thank you.  It’s a pleasure to be here today. I appreciate the invitation to speak and the great venue! Yesterday, I spoke to your Transportation, Documentation and Insurance Committee about chassis provisioning and the FMC Memphis Supply Chain Innovation Team. This morning, I’ll discuss the status of the Commission’s investigation… Read More »

Remarks by FMC Commissioner Rebecca Dye American Trucking Association Conference Scottsdale, AZ


Thank you.  It’s a pleasure to be here today. I appreciate the invitation to speak and the great venue! The Federal Maritime Commission has a solid and productive relationship with the American Trucking Association – and, in particular, the Intermodal Motor Carrier Conference. Drayage trucking companies played an important role… Read More »

Remarks of Chairman Khouri Delivered at American Association of Port Authorities Spring Conference Session “Ports and the Federal Maritime Commission”, Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Good afternoon. I want to thank Kurt Nagle and Jean Godwin for the invitation to join you this afternoon together with my colleague, Commissioner Rebecca Dye. Kurt and Jean do a terrific job for AAPA here in Washington. We always appreciate their knowledge, expertise, and input on Shipping Act matters…. Read More »

Remarks of Commissioner Rebecca Dye at the Journal of Commerce Port Performance North America


My favorite business author is Jim Collins, who wrote Built to Last, and most recently, Great by Choice. Collins says that the most important executive responsibility is to hire the best people and make sure they’re in the right place in your organization. He refers to that responsibility as, “getting the best people… Read More »

Acting Chairman Michael A. Khouri – Remarks Association of Transportation Law Professionals Transportation Forum XV


On behalf of the Federal Maritime Commission, I welcome the ATLP to our Washington headquarters. It is great to have this group of transportation professionals that work in every mode and aspect of the global transportation and logistics marketplace. As some of you do not work in the maritime area… Read More »

Remarks of Commissioner Dye, Association of Transportation Law Professionals, Transportation Forum XV


Two Recent Initiatives It’s a pleasure to be here today. I’ve just returned from Miami, discussing demurrage and detention, and before that, from the International Bar Association conference in Rome, and the European Maritime Law Organization meeting in London, discussing the FMC competition law enforcement program. I appreciate this opportunity… Read More »